ZiYue (Chinese name: 子曰) is a Web 2.0 SNS website based on ASP .NET. The core functionalities of ZiYue include:
- User management
- Account management
- Profile update
- Following/unfollowing
- Status update
- Circles (user interest groups)
- Publishing/replying to posts
- Online Q&A platform
- Answer voting
The back end of the website was written in C# and the front end was written in HTML/CSS/Javascript. We used SQL Server 2012 as our storage system.
We developed the website using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. We used Enterprise Architect to aid architecture design. The whole system is divided into 3 layers:
- Presentation Layer (the website)
- Business Logic Layer
- Data Access Layer
ZiYue was a course project for Practice of Programming (Course Number: 34100152) at Tsinghua University in summer 2012. The team members are: Jinghong Situ, Yuqi Wang, and Heran Lin.