Memory Leak in C++ (Technical Report)
Memory leak is one of the most annoying problems when programming in C++. Although memory leaks are hard to detect and may have severe impact on long running applications such as Web servers, there have been many techniques and paradigms to prevent memory leaks. In summer 2011, I wrote a technical report to investigate potential sources of memory leaks and how to detect/prevent them.
The technical report was divided into 6 sections.
In Section 1, I wrote about the motivation and the goal for this technical report. In Section 2, I briefly summarized possible scenarios of dynamic memory allocation in C++. In Section 3, I presented common situations when memory leaks can occur. In Section 4, I introduced some basic techniques to detect potential memory leaks, such as crtdbg.h
in Visual C++. In Section 5, I discussed classic memory leak prevention methods such as smart pointers. I concluded in Section 6.
Smart pointer is a good example of the RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) principle in C++. A smart pointer is an object capable of managing the lifecycle of resources such as dynamically allocated memory, file handles, etc. It has interfaces similar to those of raw pointers. The implementation of smart pointers often uses the reference counting technique, which tracks how many times the resource is being referenced currently. When the reference count drops down to zero, the resource is freed. I analyzed in detail the implementation of smart_ptr
in the Boost library and SmartPtr
in the Loki library. In the report, I also showed my experiment results concerning the performance of different smart pointers.
To write the technical report, I had read part of the source code of the Boost and Loki library. I also referred to the following books.
- Effective C++
- More Effective C++
- Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied
- Boost程序库完全开发指南:深入 C++“准”标准库
- Beyond the C++ Standard Library: An Introduction to Boost
- 超越 C++标准库:Boost库导论(中译本)
This report helped me gain better understanding of the C++ language and some best practices in production code. I also became interested in metaprogramming (generic programing), an powerful aspect of C++.
This technical report was my course project for C++ Program Design and Training (Course Number: 34100192) at Tsinghua University in summer 2011. If you are interested in the complete version of the report (in Chinese), please contact me via email.